recent rants/entries

my brain sucks btw but i am usually ok :X


still working on this, the new sky season dropped but pretty much all the capes are in the pass tier and i think kit is completely done with sky and i really can't blame them either
i was really upset for a couple weeks with the rememberance stuff but i kind of stopped caring maybe a month and a half into the season because the stupid tiny tim jokes and the plushies?
it wasn't until recently with aviary in beta being a nightmare and the pc demo being awful and unplayable for more people to the point tgc extended it for testing that it started to get genuinely upsetting...
i only ever bought the aurora passes and nothing else but my friends have bought way more than me and i can't imagine how much more awful it's been for them.

also my legs still hurt lol still don't have time to see a dr and my appt is scheduled almost a month out and i can't imagine i'll really get anything done or answers.just a referral at this point would be nice


finally was able to sleep earlier but i only slept a couple hours and when i woke up everything was misplaced and i lost my shirt but at least the bathroom wasnt completely destroyed like usual.
im slowly getting better at this but i dont think ill be able to make my original design like i planned but i think i like this version more anyways and it seems less web 3.0 and more of
a combination of dA journal styles and gaia profiles so im enjoying it and having lots of ideas for stuff like a comments collection bc i love saving weird or funny comments i find already.
i only have one page and i dont want to make another acct rn so its kind of on the backburner unti i figure out just how long a page can be

cat spinning in a chair

oh right i'm also switching between my phone and my pc and the tiny macbook so i'm trying to actually remember tags instead of just copy pasting but the stupid screen
on the laptop is too small to have multiple windows and its impossible to do anything other than edit text on my phone but i have to take constant breaks on the pc bc of my stupid legs lol
ate the leftovers(?) we made earlier tho and that was good and im watching more jerma atm. making an image map sounds fun but idk what it'd be of
other than the melancholic star stuff and that stuff isnt remotely finished or even being worked on consistently


starting to finally read my taz balance comics and im in love with them, they cut out a lot of dialogue surprisingly but i guess it is trying to fit like 7 hours of podcast into one book. still miss merle's tunnel cave jokes but i love killian's expressions so much and magic brian's too. no idea how they're doing amnesty since a lot of it is talking and the same with ethersea more than any other i think if it gets that far and i so hope it does. i fucking love ethersea so much even tho it was kind of rocky at the start.

gonna go finish reading the other ones rn but i think i figured out how to fix the background image too and more resources to decorate with, im excited and ill probably dye my hair later so it doesnt bleed as bad while im not home lol


had to go to the er finally but they just gave me an iv of migraine meds and my legs have been mostly ok since then, have to get birthday stuff ready soon since itll take me a couple days and i'm so slow about it. background and font is still broken but everything is uploaded to a separate drive if i have to swap laptops while i'm out. i'm hoping to at least get something new here or maybe get the background to work. still need to add comment collection.


i hate this fucking font i hate this fucking background nothing fucking works i losing my goddamn mind and i cant open my sausages because i need scissors even thought youre supposed to be able to just fucking peel the damn thing open but i need a fork for my freeze fried udon anyways. also im out bc its my birthday week and im supposed to see the fnaf movie with nicole and wyatt and angel and nicole and wyatt are sleeping over too but idk when and i think ill need to bring my walker and i dont relly want to im afraid ill accidentally leave it behind or smth. idk im tired and hurting, need to fix this later


have a drs appt in like 7 hrs but i know i wont be able to sleep long enough anyway and its for my new primary. ended up being pissy about wyatt in a different server but whatever at least the movie was good. i'm not actually sure if the figure i got was romeo and cinderella or just the module they use for it in mega mix, either way i'm glad to have another vocaloid figure and of a song i really like too. i kinda want the deep sea girl one and the ghost one too but it seems like theyre so slow to release any song figures, also fukase is never getting one and i think oliver isn't either. i did order a bunch of stuff from amazon and etsy that i'm looking forward to getting too but i think i pissed off lani last night about the resident evil circumsion guy so i wont get to tell her and kit left on the boat while i was distracted.

mars is obsessing over some mediocre guy again anyway so i cant really talk about stuff with them rn. i got a new table and some clothes at least. oh also im looking at revolt and its cool its nice to be in a place where its all new people that dont instantly recognize me but are willing to talk again.


whoops completely forgot about this, i would say ive been just so so busy, but I legit just forgot. Kinda don't even remember what I was doing since then either. I remember my therapist was kind of a huge asshole when I got back because she didn't understand that sometimes you get angry at your friends and their choices but that doesn't mean you hate them. Because that would be fucking wild. I'm just listening to TAZ Steeplechase rn and I super love shlebethany, my beloved,,,, truly a mood.

I also got TUNIC after it was one of the most reccomended games to play after outer wilds besides return of the obra dinn, I love it so fucking much omfg. I finished the game after playing it nonstop for I think 4 days???? I did cheese it by turning off the combat but I was really struggling and I really wanted to get to the puzzles. So since I only really played half of the game, I'm playing it again but with combat and I got a special switch version with the manual and stickers and concept art AND I got a plushie of my lil guy. So far his name is Trunic since that's what the in-game translatable language is called by a lot of people. He is also just called lil guy bc I also love that and its easier to remember.

Kit did kinda upset me the other day and we did kinda violently switch but it's mostly ok I think??? We talked to Lani about it and Mars but it still feels like Kit is mad that we even said that they upset us, I know it's probably their rsd but that's still not cool when we try to apollogize when we upset them on accident and don't try to do the whole " well idc because i didn't do it on purpose so youre just making shit up" which is just really fucked up. I think maybe we just need to talk to them again but I feel like it'll just be worse?? this sucks.

I'm gonna just go make the cool yummy swag pizza now